Runs the Republic in one world. Runs a pathetic blog in another.

Welcome to the Republic.

You’ve just entered the blog and online hub of Sam Burke, an aspiring comic book writer with high-functioning autism. Primarily, the purpose is to post about any subject I happen to be interested in, but with time, it’ll also become a hosting location for my writer’s portfolio, photo galleries, and personal wiki-style database. Named and themed after the main hero of my comic series ElectroNuke, which I hope to publish at DC Comics someday, this blog will become both a somber and endearing gathering site for topics ranging from other comic stories of mine like Thunder Squad, ElectroVerse: Batman, Black Comet, The Soul Trail, and Earthside Chat; to my befuddlement at having grown up in elementary school watching a graphic antireligious documentary; my borderline inexplicable rivalry with a pink-haired anime love fairy; my general annoyance and discomfort towards the art style she originated from; how tastefully two music videos taking place in Tokyo portray Japanese culture; a criminally underrated San Diego indie band that no one knows or cares about; and the thanks I receive for the transformative video game mods I make and upload in the form of incessant ridicule. The possibilities are endless!

My complete bio will be available in the database tab, but from the entries and media I post here, more details will be provided on my past memories from my old home in Pennsylvania; the many pleasures and displeasures of my current situation; my mostly positive but somewhat fractured relationship with my family; the unusual social and emotional symptoms that come with my disability; video game franchises like Sonic the Hedgehog, Batman: Arkham, and Red Dead Redemption; my love for certain musical genres and hatred for others; the web shows I enjoy like RedLetterMedia, Defunctland, Space Ice, and those covering lost media; and plenty more. If anything, view this blog as a personal diary tailor-made for a general audience with an appealing design and user-friendly layout. Feel free to explore the clear, sunlit shallow waters and dark, obscure hadal zone of this pretentious, self-indulgent online landscape, and if you find my negative feelings toward anime particularly abhorrent, feel free to send all your hate mail by contacting me directly at

– Sam Burke, creator and host.